Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Masterclass Series
Introductory Masterclass: Actors and Instruments
5 min.
Voice of Practitioners - Michael Lindfield: Challenges-Solutions to Secure Finance for Cities
‘Voice of Practitioners’ is a series of 5-minute videos summarizing the content from each session of the Masterclass on Smart Green City Finance. This video is available in English, Lao, Thai, Indonesian, and Khmer.
In this video, Michael Lindfield shares his insights on the key challenges that middleweight cities in the ASEAN region face in securing financing. He also identifies the key stakeholders that could unlock access to finance for cities. He emphasizes that cities should understand their income characteristics to effectively access climate finance, as different income levels require different approaches to secure funding or financing.
As part of the SGAC Masterclass Series, the Introductory Masterclass was conducted online via Zoom on Thursday, December 7th, 2023. The primary objective is to provide a foundational understanding of the funding and financing sources as well as financing instruments available for smart and green cities within the ASEAN region. The event is comprised of learning session from guest speakers and expert, interactive dialogues between participants during hands-on exercises that involve mapping available financing sources in the region and match game of the benefits and constraints of various financing instruments
Sebagai bagian dari SGAC Masterclass Series, Introductory Masterclass diadakan secara daring melalui Zoom pada hari Kamis, 7 Desember 2023. Tujuan utamanya yakni memberikan pemahaman dasar tentang sumber pendanaan dan pembiayaan serta instrumen pembiayaan yang tersedia untuk kota pintar dan hijau di wilayah ASEAN. Acara ini terdiri dari sesi pembelajaran dari pembicara tamu dan ahli, dialog interaktif antara peserta selama diskusi kelompok terkait pemetaan sumber pendanaan yang tersedia di wilayah ASEAN, dan permainan mencocokan manfaat dan kendala dari berbagai instrumen pembiayaan.
As part of the SGAC Masterclass Series, the Introductory Masterclass was conducted online via Zoom on Thursday, December 7th, 2023. The primary objective is to provide a foundational understanding of the funding and financing sources as well as financing instruments available for smart and green cities within the ASEAN region. The event is comprised of learning session from guest speakers and expert, interactive dialogues between participants during hands-on exercises that involve mapping available financing sources in the region and match game of the benefits and constraints of various financing instruments.
[LAO] As part of the SGAC Masterclass Series, the Introductory Masterclass was conducted online via Zoom on Thursday, December 7th, 2023. The primary objective is to provide a foundational understanding of the funding and financing sources as well as financing instruments available for smart and green cities within the ASEAN region. The event is comprised of learning session from guest speakers and expert, interactive dialogues between participants during hands-on exercises that involve mapping available financing sources in the region and match game of the benefits and constraints of various financing instruments.
As part of the SGAC Masterclass Series, the Introductory Masterclass was conducted online via Zoom on Thursday, December 7th, 2023. The primary objective is to provide a foundational understanding of the funding and financing sources as well as financing instruments available for smart and green cities within the ASEAN region. The event is comprised of learning session from guest speakers and expert, interactive dialogues between participants during hands-on exercises that involve mapping available financing sources in the region and match game of the benefits and constraints of various financing instruments.
Deep-Dive Masterclass #1 : Screening and Prioritizing High-Impact Projects
5 min.
Voice of Practitioners - Christine Zhou: Planning & Prioritisation to Enhance External Finance
‘Voice of Practitioners’ is a series of 5-minute videos summarizing the content from each session of the Masterclass on Smart Green City Finance. This video is available in English, Lao, Thai, Indonesian, and Khmer.
In this video, Christine Zhou shares her insights on the importance of screening and prioritization. Christine highlights crucial aspects, preparation steps, and key challenges that cities need to be aware of during the prioritisation process. Finally, she explains how a prioritization toolkit can help middleweight cities leverage external financing and instruments.
[ENG] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #1 Masterclass - Screening and Prioritising High Impact Project
As part of the first tailored SGAC Deep Dive Masterclass, this session focused on the theme "Screening and Prioritizing for High Impact Projects." The online session took place on Thursday, January 18th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of project readiness, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[IND] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #1 Masterclass - Screening and Prioritising High Impact Project
As part of the first tailored SGAC Deep Dive Masterclass, this session focused on the theme "Screening and Prioritizing for High Impact Projects." The online session took place on Thursday, January 18th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of project readiness, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[KHM] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #1 Masterclass - Screening and Prioritising High Impact Project
As part of the first tailored SGAC Deep Dive Masterclass, this session focused on the theme "Screening and Prioritizing for High Impact Projects." The online session took place on Thursday, January 18th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of project readiness, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[LAO] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #1 Masterclass - Screening and Prioritising High Impact Projects
As part of the first tailored SGAC Deep Dive Masterclass, this session focused on the theme "Screening and Prioritizing for High Impact Projects." The online session took place on Thursday, January 18th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of project readiness, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[THA] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #1 Masterclass - Screening and Prioritising High Impact Project
As part of the first tailored SGAC Deep Dive Masterclass, this session focused on the theme "Screening and Prioritizing for High Impact Projects." The online session took place on Thursday, January 18th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of project readiness, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
City Infrastructure Investment Programming and Prioritization (CIIPP) Toolkit User Manual and Roleplay
A user manual (in PDF) and roleplay (in excel) of the CIPP toolkit which is a sample of project prioritisation tools made by CDIA. For further information, kindly check
Deep-Dive Masterclass #2.1 : Formulating “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects & Early Stage Project Preparation Process
5 min.
Voice of Practitioners - Jazlyn Lee: Bankability Concept and Key Steps in Project Preparation
‘Voice of Practitioners’ is a series of 5-minute videos summarizing the content from each session of the Masterclass on Smart Green City Finance. This video is available in English, Lao, Thai, Indonesian, and Khmer. In this video, Jazlyn Lee shares the different steps of project preparation, the role of GCoM-Gap Fund Partnership in supporting cities, definition of bankable, and key aspects in crafting a compelling project proposal such as an Expression of Interest (EoI).
[ENG] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #2.1 Masterclass - Formulating and Preparing “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects
As a twin SGAC Deep Dive #2 Masterclass, this session focused on finance-readiness and early project preparation process. The online session took place on Thursday, February 22th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of early project preparation, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[IDN] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #2.1 Masterclass - Formulating and Preparing “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects
As a twin SGAC Deep Dive #2 Masterclass, this session focused on finance-readiness and early project preparation process. The online session took place on Thursday, February 22th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of early project preparation, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[KHM] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #2.1 Masterclass - Formulating and Preparing “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects
As a twin SGAC Deep Dive #2 Masterclass, this session focused on finance-readiness and early project preparation process. The online session took place on Thursday, February 22th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of early project preparation, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[LAO] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #2.1 Masterclass - Formulating and Preparing “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects
As a twin SGAC Deep Dive #2 Masterclass, this session focused on finance-readiness and early project preparation process. The online session took place on Thursday, February 22th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of early project preparation, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[THAI] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #2.1 Masterclass - Formulating and Preparing “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects
As a twin SGAC Deep Dive #2 Masterclass, this session focused on finance-readiness and early project preparation process. The online session took place on Thursday, February 22th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of early project preparation, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
An Expression of Interest (EoI) form to apply to access the GCoM-Gap Fund's facilities. Kindly download and edit in the PDF, then apply through .
Deep-Dive Masterclass #2.2 : Formulating “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects & Mid-Late Stage Project Preparation Process
5 min.
Voice of Practitioners - Jazlyn Lee: Bankability Concept and Key Steps in Project Preparation
‘Voice of Practitioners’ is a series of 5-minute videos summarizing the content from each session of the Masterclass on Smart Green City Finance. This video is available in English, Lao, Thai, Indonesian, and Khmer. In this video, Jazlyn Lee shares the different steps of project preparation, the role of GCoM-Gap Fund Partnership in supporting cities, definition of bankable, and key aspects in crafting a compelling project proposal such as an Expression of Interest (EoI).
[ENG] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #2.2 Masterclass - Formulating and Preparing “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects
As a twin session of SGAC Deep Dive #2 Masterclass, this session focused on finance readiness and mid-advanced stages of project preparation. The online session took place on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar mid-advanced stage of project readiness, namely Kuantan, Phitsanulok, Puerto Princesa, Seremban, and Yala. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[IDN] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #2.2 Masterclass - Formulating and Preparing “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects
As a twin session of SGAC Deep Dive #2 Masterclass, this session focused on finance readiness and mid-advanced stages of project preparation. The online session took place on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar mid-advanced stage of project readiness, namely Kuantan, Phitsanulok, Puerto Princesa, Seremban, and Yala. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[KHM] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #2.2 Masterclass - Formulating and Preparing “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects
As a twin session of SGAC Deep Dive #2 Masterclass, this session focused on finance readiness and mid-advanced stages of project preparation. The online session took place on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar mid-advanced stage of project readiness, namely Kuantan, Phitsanulok, Puerto Princesa, Seremban, and Yala. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[LAO] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #2.2 Masterclass - Formulating and Preparing “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects
As a twin session of SGAC Deep Dive #2 Masterclass, this session focused on finance readiness and mid-advanced stages of project preparation. The online session took place on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar mid-advanced stage of project readiness, namely Kuantan, Phitsanulok, Puerto Princesa, Seremban, and Yala. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
[THAI] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Deep Dive #2.2 Masterclass - Formulating and Preparing “Finance-Ready” Smart Green City Projects
As a twin session of SGAC Deep Dive #2 Masterclass, this session focused on finance readiness and mid-advanced stages of project preparation. The online session took place on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, and was specifically designed for five (5) SGAC Programme Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar mid-advanced stage of project readiness, namely Kuantan, Phitsanulok, Puerto Princesa, Seremban, and Yala. The event featured learning sessions from guest speakers and experts, including interactive dialogues among participants and experts during the small group discussion session.
Introduction to the Subnational Climate Fund (SCF)
A presentation by Anshuman Saikia, Portfolio Manager Asia and Oceania for Multilateral Finance (GEF, GCF), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
A harmonized project proposal template from Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA) as a result of consultation with many Project Preparation Facilities (PPF).
A bankability checklist is a comprehensive list of criteria used to evaluate the feasibility and attractiveness of a project or investment from the perspective of potential financiers or lenders. It typically includes factors such as financial stability, risk assessment, regulatory compliance, market potential, and the project's ability to generate returns, providing a structured framework for assessing the likelihood of securing financing.
Deep-Dive Masterclass #3: De-Risking Smart Green City Projects
3 min.
Voice of Practitioners - Ira Purnomo: Strategies for Cities to De-Risk Smart Green Projects
‘Voice of Practitioners’ is a series of short testimonial videos summarizing the content from the Masterclass on Smart Green City Finance. The Masterclass on Smart Green City Finance is part of Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Programme. The SGAC programme is funded by the European Union, executed by the ASEAN Secretariat, implemented by United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and Global Fund for Cities Development (FMDV).
In this video, Ira Purnomo from Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), shared the primary risks perceived by the private sector when investing in smart green city projects, the approach that cities need to take in doing financial and non-financial de-risking, as well as institutions that cities can engage to minimize project risk.
[ENG] SGAC Deep Dive #3 Masterclass - De-Risking Smart Green City Projects
As the third deep dive masterclass, this session will focus on "De-Risking Smart Green City Projects to Leverage Private Sector Investment". The online session took place on Thursday, 25 April 2024, and designed for all fifteen 15 SGAC Programme's Nominated Cities chosen based on their smart green initiatives. It was aimed to provide an understanding of risk factors related to smart green city projects, risk management measures, and risk mitigation strategies.
[IDN] SGAC Deep Dive #3 Masterclass - De-Risking Smart Green City Projects
Consultez ce module en toute autonomie, il vous permettra de ... (Ici, rédigez l’objectif du contenu que vous proposez à vos apprenants. Qu’auront-ils appris après avoir consulté ce module ?)
[KHM] SGAC Deep Dive #3 Masterclass - De-Risking Smart Green City Projects
As the third deep dive masterclass, this session will focus on "De-Risking Smart Green City Projects to Leverage Private Sector Investment". The online session took place on Thursday, 25 April 2024, and designed for all fifteen 15 SGAC Programme's Nominated Cities chosen based on their smart green initiatives. It was aimed to provide an understanding of risk factors related to smart green city projects, risk management measures, and risk mitigation strategies.
[LAO] SGAC Deep Dive #3 Masterclass - De-Risking Smart Green City Projects
Consultez ce module en toute autonomie, il vous permettra de ... (Ici, rédigez l’objectif du contenu que vous proposez à vos apprenants. Qu’auront-ils appris après avoir consulté ce module ?)
[THAI] SGAC Deep Dive #3 Masterclass - De-Risking Smart Green City Projects
Consultez ce module en toute autonomie, il vous permettra de ... (Ici, rédigez l’objectif du contenu que vous proposez à vos apprenants. Qu’auront-ils appris après avoir consulté ce module ?)
Indonesia’s De Risking Facility & Government Support for Creative Financing & PPP Ecosystem
A presentation by Andre Permana, Executive Director of Business at (PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia Persero) or Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF).
Final Masterclass: Presenting Compelling Projects to Financiers
[ENG] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Closing Masterclass - Presenting Compelling Projects to the Private Sector
As the closing masterclass, this session will focus on "Presenting Compelling Projects to the Private Sectors & Financiers." The online session will take place on Monday, May 27th, 2024, and specifically designed for ten (10) SGAC Programme's Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of project readiness, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Kuantan, Phitsanulok, Puerto Princesa, Seremban, and Yala, to pitch their projects to the private sectors and financiers in the room.
[IDN] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Closing Masterclass - Presenting Compelling Projects to the Private Sector
As the closing masterclass, this session will focus on "Presenting Compelling Projects to the Private Sectors & Financiers." The online session will take place on Monday, May 27th, 2024, and specifically designed for ten (10) SGAC Programme's Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of project readiness, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Kuantan, Phitsanulok, Puerto Princesa, Seremban, and Yala, to pitch their projects to the private sectors and financiers in the room.
[KHM] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Closing Masterclass - Presenting Compelling Projects to the Private Sector
As the closing masterclass, this session will focus on "Presenting Compelling Projects to the Private Sectors & Financiers." The online session will take place on Monday, May 27th, 2024, and specifically designed for ten (10) SGAC Programme's Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of project readiness, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Kuantan, Phitsanulok, Puerto Princesa, Seremban, and Yala, to pitch their projects to the private sectors and financiers in the room.
[LAO] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Closing Masterclass - Presenting Compelling Projects to the Private Sector
As the closing masterclass, this session will focus on "Presenting Compelling Projects to the Private Sectors & Financiers." The online session will take place on Monday, May 27th, 2024, and specifically designed for ten (10) SGAC Programme's Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of project readiness, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Kuantan, Phitsanulok, Puerto Princesa, Seremban, and Yala, to pitch their projects to the private sectors and financiers in the room.
[THA] Smart Green ASEAN Cities (SGAC) Closing Masterclass - Presenting Compelling Projects to the Private Sector
As the closing masterclass, this session will focus on "Presenting Compelling Projects to the Private Sectors & Financiers." The online session will take place on Monday, May 27th, 2024, and specifically designed for ten (10) SGAC Programme's Nominated Cities chosen based on their similar stage of project readiness, namely Banyuwangi, Calapan, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Kuantan, Phitsanulok, Puerto Princesa, Seremban, and Yala, to pitch their projects to the private sectors and financiers in the room.
A folder containing pitching guidelines (including what to include in the PowerPoint presentation and what to say during the pitch, as well as dos and don'ts), along with a pitch deck template for cities.
A folder containing the SGAC Pitching Feedback Form for each project from cohorts 1 and 2, based on the suggestions given by the Discussants during the SGAC Closing Masterclass Project Pitching Session.